Regaining Control: Malaysian Economic Policy During Covid and Beyond

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Regaining Control: Malaysian Economic Policy During Covid and Beyond

Author: Shankaran Nambiar Publisher: SIRD ISBN: 9789672464877 Weight:  Pages: pp Year:  Price: RM32

“Covid-19 was a global pandemic. All countries, and nearly all localities, were affected. And yet infection rates, death rates, and impact on societies varied widely. What accounts for this variance? The Malaysian story is told by Shankaran Nambiar, one of the country’s leading economists. We already know that in the United States, Covid-19 responses became highly politicised. The China story seems equally political, but driven from the top down. The Malaysian story is not quite as divisive, but is not pretty either. Here it is, with all its warts and slippery successes.” Peter Timmer Thomas D Cabot Professor of Development Studies (Emeritus), Harvard University

  “This collection confirms not just Shankaran Nambiar’s high professional standing as an analyst of Malaysian economic issues, but also his boldness as a visionary in calling for comprehensive reform of the post-1969 socioeconomic policy regime. Regaining Control is a very good place to start on the necessary reorientation of Malaysia’s development practices.” Woo Wing Thye Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of California, Davis and Research Professor, Sunway University

“Shankaran Nambiar’s important and timely articles show how the Malaysian  economy is changing and the difficult options that it faces. Regaining Control is critical reading for all interested in Malaysia’s future economic course.” Andrew Sheng Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Capital Market Research Malaysia

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