Reimagining Time: A Light-Speed Tour of Einstein's Theory of Relativity

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Reimagining Time: A Light-Speed Tour of Einstein's Theory of Relativity - Hardback

Authors: Tanya Bub & Jeffrey Bub
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300250121
Weight: 0.34kg
Pages: 173pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM111

It was a link to Albert Einstein’s 1905 paper—an early attempt at explaining his revolutionary ideas on space, time, and matter—that drew Tanya Bub into his imaginative vision of the world. What particularly struck her was how Einstein interwove words and math to create clear visuals illustrating his theories. As an artist, she naturally started doodling as she worked her way through his concepts, creating drawings that intuitively demonstrated Einstein’s core principles.
In Reimagining Time, Tanya Bub teams up with her father, the distinguished physicist Jeffrey Bub, to create a quirky and accessible take on one of science’s most revolutionary discoveries. Blending original art and text, they guide readers—even nonmathematicians—through Einstein’s theory of special relativity to reveal truths about our universe: time is relative, lengths get shorter with motion, energy and mass are interchangeable, and the universe has a speed limit.

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