Rendezvous With Injustice: How A Family Survived Hell After Blowing The Whistle On The 1MDB Financial Scandal

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Rendezvous With Injustice

Author: Laura Justo & Xavier Justo
ISBN: 9788409460014
Weight: 0.589
Pages: 384pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM85.00

What happens when you blow the lid on a financial scandal involving playboy businessmen, the leader of a country, and the laundering of billions of dollars? For Xavier Justo, it meant being thrown in a sordid Thai jail as the mother of all cover-ups kicked into action. For his wife Laura, left alone with their infant son, it meant battling an 18-month onslaught of intimidation, manipulation and lies.

Rendezvous with Injustice is an account of the 1MDB scandal that focuses not only on the crimes of men in expensive suits but also the human consequences felt by those who dared to do the right thing by exposing them. It’s a story that involves financial chicanery, unscrupulous lawyers, greed, decadence and even a fake Scotland Yard detective. Ultimately, however, it’s a cry for truth and justice — and a testament to human resilience and tenacity.

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