Sayyid Qutb: Between Reform and Revolution

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Sayyid Qutb: Between Reform and Revolution

Author: Thameem Ushama

Publisher: IIUM Press

ISBN: 9789833855810

Pages: 386pp

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: RM46.00

SAYYID QUTB: BETWEEN REFORM AND REVOLUTION explores Sayyid Qutb’s biographical sketches, his profession, his contribution to journalism, and his interaction with litterateurs, his political life, and his role in the 1952 revolution to abolish monarchy and establishment of the republic based on Islam as an ideology of the state, his intellectual vision, practical mission, and preoccupation for social reform. It deals with his role in the Muslim Brotherhood and investigates the allegations that he was preparing for armed revolt and terrorism. It examines the process of investigation by the Intelligence Agency of the state, his confessions and prosecution followed by judicial proceedings and judgment leading to the imposition of the death sentence. It highlights his initiative of new literary vision, literary criticism, intellectual discourses, and research culture. It presents his discourse on the Islamic ÑaqÊdah. It critically analyses his methodology of exegesis, evaluates his opinions on traditionalist’s modes, his conformity or inconsistency with predecessors, classical or modern exegetes, and his approaches to interpretation including his perspectives on applying philosophy, theology and absolute human reasoning in understanding the message of the Qur’ān. A study of his socio-political thought is made to see the relevance of his ideas in the contemporary age as he discusses different issues and refers to inconsistencies of political ideologies. It examines the fallacies of Nationalism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Capitalism, Neutralism, Darwinism and other ideas and theories which served as the basis for modern western materialistic civilization and evaluates them from Islamic perspective.

THAMEEM USHAMA is a Professor at the Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He specialises in contemporary Islamic Thought.

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