Script: For a Better Malaysia - An Empowering Vision and Policy Framework for Action - Coffee Table

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Script: For a Better Malaysia - An Empowering Vision and Policy Framework for Action - Coffee Table 

Author: Anwar Ibrahim
Publisher: Institut Darul Ehsan
ISBN: 9789672066415
Year: 2022
Price: RM59

SCRIPT stands for Sustainability, Care & Compassion, Respect, Innovation, Prosperity, and Trust – six Malaysian values at the core of this living document which both lays out Anwar Ibrahim’s vision for a stronger, better Malaysia and provides a method of developing policies fit to the contemporary and increasingly complex world in which we live.

This book builds on Anwar Ibrahim’s more than four decades of experience in public service heading key ministries in the Malaysian government, leading various international development and peace organizations, and his time educating at leading universities around the world. Anwar Ibrahim has taken this experience and synthesised it with the thoughts of some of the greatest minds from around the world, and the input of the people of Malaysia he has listened to and learned from throughout his career.

SCRIPT delivers to Malaysians a robust framework upon which future-oriented policies can be crafted with indigenous, home-grown creativity and expertise.  It proposes a set of six, core values which must be deeply embedded in the problem-solving process in order to adequately address the increasingly complicated societal challenges facing Malaysia, in an increasingly complex world. 

As a policy document it is unique in that it acknowledges the vast repository of wisdom that lies in the minds and hearts of the people of Malaysia and invites them to participate in creating that future. SCRIPT is written in a way to empower all Malaysians to develop solutions that can build a peaceful and prosperous future.

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