​Self Assessment In Ophthalmology

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Self Assessment In Ophthalmology

Author/Editor: Tajunisah Iqbal, Visvaraja Subrayan, S. Chandrasekhara Reddy, Bakiah Shaharuddin & Jemaima Che Hamzah

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831004753

Weight: 150

Pages: 96

Year: 2009

Price: RM40

This is a comprehensive and clinically relevant textbook of MCQs in Ophthalmology especially catered to medical students in helping them to prepare for their ophthalmology rotation/examination in the clinical years. There is a new approach to the content and presentation that allows the students to access key information that is presented in a systematic manner. The overall emphasis of this book is to provide current information in ophthalmology in a simplified but yet comprehensive manner to benefit the students.

The authors, all ophthalmology lectures from four different universities training medical students, have covered the full range of subjects that medical students need to know.

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