​Shapers of Islam in Southeast Asia

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Shapers of Islam in Southeast Asia

Author: Khairudin Aljunied
Publisher: Cendekia
ISBN: 9786299801405
Weight: 0.45kg
Page: 224pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM65

Southeast Asia is home to one of the largest Muslim populations in the world today. The
region has also produced a cohort of reformers who have critiqued the limits of Islamic
thought and propounded new lines of thinking with an eye toward constructing a
better ummah.

Shapers of Islam in Southeast Asia captures the progressive and pluralistic nature of Islamic
reform in Southeast Asia from the mid-twentieth century onward, a period that can now be
regarded as the age of networked Islam. Offering a fresh conceptualization, the book shows
how several influential Muslim intellectuals have given rise to an "Islamic reformist mosaic"
in Southeast Asia. Representing different strands of reformist thinking, these shapers of Islam
have constructed a unified and coherent frame of thought that distinguishes itself from the
ultra-traditionalist and ultra-secularist leanings. This fascinating study is indispensable to
anyone interested in understanding the challenges facing Islam and other religions in the
modern world.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Islamic Reformist Mosaic in Southeast Asia

Chapter One: Naquib Al-Attas: The Desecularist
Chapter Two: Osman Bakar: The Epistemist
Chapter Three: Harun Nasution: The Rationalist
Chapter Four: Ahmad Ibrahim: The Legalist
Chapter Five: Kuntowijoyo: The Historicist
Chapter Six: Cesar Majul Adib: The Integrationist
Chapter Seven: Zakiah Daradjat: The Moralist
Epilogue: Muslim Reformism and the Future of Islam

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