Shari'ah-compliant Hospital: From Concept to Reality

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Shari'ah-compliant Hospital: From Concept to Reality

Author: Shaharom Md Shariff
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674913786
Weight: 0.3kg
Pages: 202
Year: 2024
Price: RM65

The increasing awareness among Muslims to prioritise Islamic values and be aligned with Islamic teachings in their daily practices has led to an increase in demand for halal products and Shari'ah-compliant services. It has created research opportunities for Islamic products and services to be on par with contemporary demand. The business opportunities for halal products in Islamic Banking and Finance have received tremendous requests and are becoming mainstream business amongst Muslims and non-Muslims. In response to this development, Standard Malaysia has issued MS 1900:2014 Shari'ah Based Quality Management System for an organisation to be accredited as a Shari'ah-compliant organisation. However, the MS 1900:2014 issued only provides a theoretical framework. There is still a lack of research on the attributes and implementation of Shari'ah-Compliant Hospital (SCH) in the healthcare industry.

 This theoretical framework will be realised into a conceptual framework before it can materialise as an implementation activity for accreditation purposes. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework for Shari'ah-Compliant Hospital for hospital operators in order to understand how Shari'ah-Compliant Hospital can be implemented efficiently and sustain the continuation of the certification. This research applies a qualitative case study method, which is based on previous academic literature and interviews conducted among academicians and hospital operators. The interview sessions involve in-depth and open-ended discussions with senior management of five hospitals. 

The data collected was analysed through Content Analysis using the NVivo™ Version 12 Plus software application. The analysis produced themes that led to the development of the framework. With the proposed framework, the study provides a meaningful tool and guidelines for hospital operators to achieve the MS 1900:2014 accreditation. The study will add a novelty contribution to the academic literature, particularly in the Shari'ah-based Quality Management System. In terms of industrial practice, the outcome of the research is also applicable to other service industries in order to be accredited as a Shari'ah-compliant institution.

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