​ Smart Cities: Conceptualisation and Implementation

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Smart Cities: Conceptualisation and Implementation

Author: Hasniyati Hamzah, Yasmin Mohd Adnan

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674881511


Year: 2020

Page: 140pp

Price : RM42

Smart Cities can be directly linked to the explosion of information and communications technology (ICT) which forms part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). The platform provided by ICT has enabled cities to be smart or smarter, which in the era of increased competition means an opportunity for cities to flourish or at least stay relevant.

This book is a timely guide for anyone who is interested in understanding the characteristics, evolution and implementation of Smart Cities. Organised in a reader friendly style, this book takes the reader through the whole gamut of Smart City development from the conceptualisation until implementation, covering not only abstract ideas but also the actual practice related to Smart Cities.

Topics touched upon throughout the book include:

• The justification for proper city management.

• ICT as a means to rather than objective of proper city management.

• The conception of Smart City as a sustainable and viable city development concept.

• The importance of pre-existing structural and institutional factors when planning Smart City initiatives.

• Smart City initiatives globally.

• The Malaysian Smart City movement.

• And much more.

Providing both abstract and practical information, this book is an essential guide in harnessing the opportunities offered by Industry 4.0 in smartening the urbanisation process. Finally, it is worth stating the overarching argument of this book: A city is as smart as its citizens; employing technology for technology’s sake has been proven to be a mistake of earlier Smart Cities, and people centric Smart Cities are the way forward.

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