Social Media Analytics: An Application in Data Science

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Social Media Analytics: An Application in Data Science

Authors: Shuzlina Abdul Rahman, Azuraliza Abu Bakar
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9786294863057
Weight: gsm
Pages: pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM40

In today's dynamic digital landscape, Social Media Analytics emerges as a powerful tool within the realm of Data Science. "Social Media Analytics: An Application in Data Science" intricately explores the intersection of social media and data, serving as a comprehensive guide for readers embarking on the transformative journey of extracting valuable insights from the vast ocean of online interactions. 

The book unfolds in two key parts. The first four chapters provide an overview of data science and its relationship with social media analytics, delving into the nuances of sentiment analysis and the evolving landscape of social data. This section also explores the general process of unlocking insights through topic modeling and machine learning methods. 

Subsequently, the following five chapters delve into illuminating case studies, dissecting social media data across diverse platforms. These carefully chosen case studies unravel sentiments within the realms of education, e-commerce, politics, and healthcare domains. By the end of this book, readers will have attained mastery over the fundamental concepts, advanced techniques, and indispensable tools required to extract tangible business value from the vast landscape of social media. 

Empowered with this knowledge, they will be equipped to enhance brand loyalty, generate leads, and make informed business decisions based on insights derived from big social media data. "Social Media Analytics" is not just a book; it is a roadmap to leveraging the full potential of social media in the data-driven era.

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