​South Korea-Malaysia Relations: Political and Economic Interactions from the Perspective of Bilateralism and Regionalism

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South Korea-Malaysia Relations: Political and Economic Interactions from the Perspective of Bilateralism and Regionalism

Author: Kim Hyung Jong & Hanafi Hussin

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674881740


Page: 138pp

Year: 2021

Price: RM42

This book provides the historical background of the diplomatic relations between South Korea and Malaysia featured in bilateralism and regionalism. It suggests that the development of regionalism as an important catalyst for the enhancement of bilateralism. It considers major political economic factors and events effected on the bilateral ties. Political economic approach focusing on the link between bilateralism and regionalism is useful and appropriate means to understand Malaysia-Korea relations’ complexity. By illustrating their political, economic, and cultural interactions, it shows that the relations between bilateralism and regionalism in forming the South Korea-Malaysia relations are complementary. The trend that two countries’ relations become more important even now considering the South Korea’s New Southern Policy and Malaysia’ Look East Policy 2.0. It is an advance work as it contains a comprehensive analysis of bilateral relations and regionalism based on academic literature and primary resources retrieved from both countries’ archives. It would be useful for those interested in bilateral relations between the two countries and East Asian regionalism, including undergraduate students and business people.

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