Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective

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Spiritual Therapy: An Islamic Perspective

Authors: Waleed Fekry Faris, Fatimah Abdullah, Amnah Bahari, Mardiana Mohamad, Abdul Latif Abd Razak, Jamilah Hanum Abdul Khaiyom, Nur Afiqah Izzati Abdullah Zawawi

Publisher: International Institute for Muslim Unity, Islamic Book Trust

ISBN: 9789670526942

Weight: 0.700kg

Pages: 215


Price :

Facing difficulties in your life?

Cannot cope with fast pace of work and life around you?

Looking for a refuge for tranquillity and peace?

With the overwhelming events around us on a personal and social level, we need to reduce the tension and stress that we are facing.

Classical psychology has been helping for decades, but with increasing dependency on drugs, people are searching for an alternative that will help them cope with life difficulties. Simultaneously, the fast pace of modern living will create other problems of drug-dependency or personal attachment to therapists.

In this book, we are exploring the fast-growing field of spiritual therapy, and we try to come up with a module from Islamic traditions that will help everyone irrespective to his/her religion and convictions. It is a step to serve humanity in a challenging era.

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