Staying The Course: Navigating The Challenges Of Part-Time Study

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Staying The Course: Navigating The Challenges Of Part-Time Study

Author: Asrif Yusoff
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674882471
Year: 2023
Price: RM48

Staying the Course: Navigating the Challenges of Part-time Study is a practical companion that helps and guides you to chart your academic success while progressing in your career. The book is based on the author’s experience in balancing family, work, and study as a part-time student across two master’s programmes and one doctoral programme over the past ten years...and counting. Across 13 chapters, you will be provided with effective strategies and real insights on:

  • Identifying the right programme for you
  • Preparing for a successful application process
  • Managing time between coursework and assignments
  • Sustaining motivation throughout your study
  • Building meaningful relationships across your network

While going back to university is a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. This book will provide the support you need towards a wholesome and enriching experience as a parttime student.

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