Supplement for the Seeker of Certitude

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Supplement for the Seeker of Certitude: Worship from Zad al-Mustaqmi - Paperback

Author: Musa al-Hajjawi al-Hanbali / Musa Furber (Translator)

Publisher: Islamosaic

ISBN: 9781944904098

Pages: 217

Weight: 0.450 Kg

Year: 2016

Price : RM 63.00

Supplement for the Seeker of Certitude presents the sections related to worship from Musa al-Hajjawi's Zad al-Mustaqni`, an abridgment of Ibn Qudamah’s Al-Muqni` that sticks to the school’s official position, removing extraneous issues, and adding a few necessary things. The book is extremely terse, yet it still manages to present the basics for the school along with issues rarely found in books twice its length. The book was accepted by scholars of the school to such an extent that some said that whoever has memorized it is fit to be a judge. The book continues to be considered essential reading for students of the school, making it a natural choice for presenting the school to English readers. The chapters covered in the text include purification, prayer, zakah, fasting, pilgrimage, and jihad. The text includes the Arabic original along with numerous notes from commentaries.

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