Suppression Of Piracy Armed Robbery Against Ships and Maritime Terrorism Global and Regional Perspectives

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Suppression Of Piracy Armed Robbery Against Ships and Maritime Terrorism Global and Regional Perspectives

Author: Muhamad Hassan Ahmad, Abdul Haseeb Ansari, Ashgar Ali Ali Mohamed, Mohammad Naqib Ishan Jan.
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674187828
Pages: 410pp
Year: 2017
Price: RM70

Safety of maritime navigation has been one of the major issues in the global arena for centuries. Despite the fact that piracy is one ot the oldest international crimes, it recurs and seriously threatens the safety of international maritime navigation in present days. The suppression of maritime crime should be regulated and implemented at both international and regional levels. In this book, entitled Suppression of Piracy, Armed Roberry Against Ships & Maritime Terrorism: Global and Regional Perspectives, the authors endeavour a rigorous effort to identify, examine and analyse the deficiencies of contemporary international law of the sea conventions, regional agreements and arragements pertaining to the suppression of piracy, armed robbery against ships and maritime terrorism. The book offers numerous valuable suggestions for the improvement of the existing laws not only in ensuring the safety of maritime navigation all around the world but also in maintaining international peace and security, would certainly find this book as a useful guide. Readers would get insightful ideas on the suppression of piracy, armed robbery against ships and maritime terrorism wihthout having to refer to several sources. 

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