Sustainable Water Resources Management and Laws in Malaysia

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Sustainable Water Resources Management and Laws in Malaysia

Author: Rasyikah Md Khalid
Publisher : UKM Press
ISBN:  9789672514558
Year: 2021
Price: RM35

Sustainable water resources management requires an integrated efforts of all levels of government in Malaysia. The Federal Constitution has been amended to allow the federal government to regulate the water supply and services, while the state governments continues to be the custodian of the water resources. However, water supply will be interrupted if rivers are badly polluted. 

These pollution however originate from various sources, most of which are licensed by the local government or other state agencies. It is the aim of the book to explore on the concept of sustainability in the water sector, and how it can be best achieved within the Malaysia federalism framework.

It investigates on the principle of subsidiarity which redefines the roles that can be played by each level of government in the water sector. This principle is used by the European Community, the United State of America and Australia, in their pursuit to transform their water sector towards ensuring water sustainability. This book will benefit all levels of readers, because we are all water users.

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