Tabi'un: Those Who Followed

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Tabi'un: Those Who Followed

Author: Hotan Kheyrandish
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust
ISBN: 9789670526898
Weight: 0.3kg
Pages: 160pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM29

“The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them …” – (Sahīh al-Bukhārī and Sahīh Muslim)

The Qur’an reveals to us that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) is our definitive guide on how to conduct our daily lives according to our original purpose.

The Hadīth above further suggests that the next source of guidance for us is none other than the Companions of the Prophet (saw), followed by the Tābi‘ūn, pious people who, like us, never met the Prophet (saw) but nonetheless manifested his sacred teachings and embodied his spirit to the best of their knowledge and capabilities.

This book focuses on the lives of those who followed the best of generations. Using authentic sources, it shares anecdotes about their lives, emphasizing their personalities, habits of worship, decision-making, social interactions, simplistic lifestyles, and, above all, their love for and obedience to Allah and His Messenger.

As the reader progresses through the book, he or she will quickly realize that many of these virtuous believers were confronted with the very same dilemmas we face as an ummah today, issues relating to division and civil strife among Muslims, religious extremism or fanaticism, love of worldly possessions, tyranny and oppression and a lack of respect for moral and spiritual values.

Sometimes, as this compilation will show, Allah only needs to inspire one person, who then succeeds in making a significant impact on society as a whole. Insha’Allah, this book will ensure that those who we should consider as our role models do not remain forgotten in history books.

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