Technical Communication Pedagogical Strategies For An Industry-Based Curriculum
Author/Editor: Khairul Azhar Jamaludin, Norlidah Alias and Dorothy DeWitt
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674881849
Year: 2021
Price: RM48
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions require ongoing eforts and collaboration from local industry and stakeholders to enhance its academic outcomes. However, the current body of literature has exemplifed that TVET graduates are poorly accepted by the industry. Clearly, poor mastery of technical communication skills has afected their employment. Even though a number of English communication subjects are available in Malaysian TVET institutions, these subjects seem lacking in terms of its focus and learning content to develop technical communication skills. Acknowledging the potential of technical communication to enhance the employability skills of TVET graduates, this book seeks to propose pedagogical strategies to efectively introduce technical communication in Malaysian TVET institutions. Combining theories, models, and current practices of technical communication courses in TVET institutions, this book ofers an in-depth exploration of relevant objectives, the content of learning, methods of delivery, and assessment methods for the pedagogical strategies. It is hoped that the Technical Communication Pedagogical Strategies for an Industry-based Curriculum will serve as a reference to improvise the current curriculum in Malaysian TVET institutions and to enhance the employability of the graduates in the near future.
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