​Terrorism and Liberation Movements in the Middle East: The Case Study of FLN, Hezbollah and Hamas

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Terrorism and Liberation Movements in the Middle East: The Case Study of FLN, Hezbollah and Hamas

Author:  Yousef M. Aljamal
Publisher: UM Press 
ISBN: 9789674883454
Pages: 236pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM60

The book dives into the debate on liberation and terrorism in the case of the FLN, Hezbollah and Hamas, and how and why state-actors view them the way they do. It too, sheds li9ght on how these non-state actors view themselves, by applying a theory-oriented approach. As the Middle East continues to be in turmoil, the book provides answers to questions that scholars, students and ordnary people continue to ask,"Is one terrorist another's freedom fighter?"

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