​The 40 Hadith of Imam al-Nawawi

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The 40 Hadith of Imam al-Nawawi

Author by Imam al-Nawawi 
Foreword by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Translators: Talut Dawood
ISBN: 978-1-952306-28-0
Publisher: Imam Ghazali Publishing
Language: English and Arabic
Paperback Edition: 100 pages

Known in Arabic simply as the Arba'in, "The Forty," this is without question the most widely-known and widely-read small compilation of Prophetic hadith. Across the world, from the east to the west, Imam al-Nawawi's collection is often the first, and sometimes the only Hadith text many Muslims study in their lives.

Each hadith in this collection and serves as a foundational proof text in at least one area of the Islamic sciences. Being of such importance, these Hadith are also incredibly dense in meaning; one of Allah's gifts to His Prophet ﷺ was the ability to convey volumes in only a few words, and the Hadith of the Arba'in are among the best examples of this.

IGI's edition of al-Nawawi's Arba'in includes:

New translation of each Hadith
Succinct gems to ponder the significance and major themes of each Hadith
Short biography of Imam al-Nawawi
Paperback; 100 pages
Foreword by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra
Translation by Talut Dawood
This is a beautiful edition that is easy and pleasurable to read, that you will return to again and again, and that we hope will live on your shelf for many years to come.

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