The Berlin-Baghdad Express : The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power, 1898-1918 (Paperback)

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The Berlin-Baghdad Express : The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power, 1898-1918 (Paperback)

Author: Sean McMeekin
Publisher: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780062420138
Pages: 460 pp
Year: 2011
Price: RM64

This book explores one of the most important but least understood stories of the First World War: the bid by the Germans to destroy the British Empire by harnessing the power of Islam.

As the Ottoman Empire threw its weight behind Germany, a hugely ambitious project began to unhinge Britain's global grip by turning the Muslim world against it. Strange expeditions of German spies, soldiers and archaeologists fanned out, from Tripoli to Kabul, spreading Jihad, guns and bribes. Afghanistan and Persia were courted as allies for an attack on British India.

And all the while frantic attempts were being made to complete the Berlin-Baghdad railway, the weapon that could have won the war.

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