The Casebook Of Forensic Detection

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The Casebook Of Forensic Detection

Author: Faridah Mohd Nor, Aspalilah Alias, Nadiawati Abdul Razak.
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9786297636764
Page: 247 m/s
Year: 2024
Price: RM64

The subject of Legal Medicine encompasses many specialties that can be found in the fields of medicine and law. Forensic Pathology is an essential part of its wide field.

It involves investigations of sudden, unexplained deaths to determine the cause of death. The investigation of crime is complete with an adequate postmortem and scene examination.

Moreover, as insurance claims have risen over the years, the need o gain an in-depth understanding of the precise causes and manners of death has now become significant. Especially among those directly involved the field.

In every country worldwide, various methods of investigating deaths are conducted, which require medico-legal considerations. The Importance of autopsies is also getting wider recognition, especially in criminal and civil law cases.

Hence, relevant parties involved in the investigations, such as medical officers, policeman an even lawyers, must seek further knowledge.

Moreover, as many of these people are not well trained, learning to understand the sciences behind the crimes committed will be valuable in handling such cases.

This book addresses problems and questions commonly arising during the instruction sessions conducted for pathology fellows, police officers and medical students.

It should be kept in mind that the information presented in the book relates explicitly to the most common finding reported; however variation will occur.

Notably, the field of forensic pathology can be exciting and fulfilling, especially if the doctor is well-trained. It is the our hope that this book will provide such instruction.

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