The Classical School: The Turbulent Birth of Economics in Twenty Extraordinary Lives

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The Classical School: The Turbulent Birth of Economics in Twenty Extraordinary Lives

Author: Callum Williams 
Publisher: Economist Books
ISBN: 9781788164733
Weight: 0.236 kg
Pages: 277
Year: 2020
Price: RM93

Classical economists are the founders of the modern world. Scarcely a day goes by without their names being invoked to celebrate or criticize the state of the world or the actions of governments they are the trump cards of modern political debate. And yet, few of us have read their works Callum Williams has joined The Economist's senior economics writer to discover what the classical school really thought, for better or worse. See how the modern edifice of economic theory was built, brick by brick, from their ideas and quarrels. And find out which parts stand the test of time.

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