The Dynamics of Study Circles: Some Reflections on ABIM's Collaborative Learning
Author: Sidek Baba
Publisher: Akademi Kajian Ketamadunan
Weight: 0.129
Pages: 82
Year: 2005
Price: RM10
The dearth of literature on study circle learning system available in our midst has brought our attention to this publication on the Dynamics of Study Circles: Some Reflections on ABIM's Collaborative Learning System in our monograph series, Professor Sidek Baba, the author of this work speaks his mind in his analysis to assess the effectiveness of study circles at least for two main reasons. Firstly, he himself is one of the engineers who designed the curriculum of these study circles of ABIM and secondly he himself is an ardent practitioner of the system. The author provides us with a vivid notion of what constitutes a study circle. In his illustration he provides us with rich experiences of study circles in Sweden, Denmark and the United States and compares them with other cultures such as Brazil and Tanzania, as a preamble to look into ABIM's experience in this subject. What is revealing, according to the author, ABIM had benefited and continues to benefit in enhancing will not only her members, but also sympathizers and members of the public at large to gain good comprehension of Islamic knowledge and worldviews through this study circle concept of education.
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