The Future Of Kampung The Multi-Dimensional Ideas Of Balance
Author: Mahazan Abdul Mutalib, Hood Mohd Salleh
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789674407230
Page: 224 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM46
THE FUTURE OF KAMPUNG - Discoursing the Multi-Dimensional Ideas of Balance is a compilation of writings reflecting a diversity of perspective on themes of balance in kampung (village) well-being.
Binding the two parts of the book where the articles were respectively submitted and presented in conjuction with the International Conference on Kampung Mizan 2016, and Post-Summit Workshop for Young Muslim Student Leaders of World Islamic University Leaders’ Summit (WICULS 2016), the book represents the vision of citizens on the preservation, future, problem issues, developments, and relevancy of kampung life towards the changing of an era.
In the second section of the book, it is an opportunity for the youths from ASEAN countries to share their thoughts and experiences from the various aspects about kampung.
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