The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities

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The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities

Author: John J. Mearsheimer
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300248562
Weight: 0.423 kg
Pages: 313
Year: 2019
Price: RM95

A renowned scholar argues that liberal hegemony—the policy America has pursued since the Cold War ended—is doomed to fail

Named a Financial Times Best Book of 2018

“Idealists, as well as realists, need to read this systematic tour de force.”—Robert D. Kaplan, author of The Return of Marco Polo’s World

It is widely believed in the West that the United States should spread liberal democracy across the world, foster an open international economy, and build international institutions. The policy of remaking the world in America’s image is supposed to protect human rights, promote peace, and make the world safe for democracy. But this is not what has happened. Instead, the United States has become a highly militarized state fighting wars that undermine peace, harm human rights, and threaten liberal values at home.
In this major statement, the renowned international-relations scholar John Mearsheimer argues that liberal hegemony—the foreign policy pursued by the United States since the Cold War ended—is doomed to fail. It makes far more sense, he maintains, for Washington to adopt a more restrained foreign policy based on a sound understanding of how nationalism and realism constrain great powers abroad. The Great Delusion is a lucid and compelling work of first importance for scholars, policymakers, and everyone interested in the future of American foreign policy.

John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. His many books include Conventional Deterrence. He lives in Chicago, IL.

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