The Importance of Loving the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

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The Importance of Loving the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Author: Qadi 'Iyad b. Musa al-Yahsubi
Publisher: Imam Ghazali Publishing
ISBN: 9781952306594
Tahun: 2024
Weight: 100gsm
Pages: 43pp
Price: RM40

The Importance of Loving the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is an extract taken from Qadi Iyad’s renowned and celebrated work al-Shifa. This volume focuses on the profound obligation of loving the Prophet ﷺ. Through carefully selected Qur’anic verses and hadiths, this book explores why love for Allah's Messenger ﷺ is not merely an emotional attachment, but also a foundational requirement for every believer, and shows that true faith is incomplete without prioritizing the Prophet’s ﷺ love over all worldly attachments, including family, wealth, and even one's owned self.

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