The Integrity of The Family & The Role of Parents

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The Integrity of The Family & The Role of Parents

Authors: Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Translation: Abdullah Salih
Publisher: Imam Ghazali Publishing
ISBN: 9781952306983
Weight: gsm
Pages: 96
Price: RM40

This short text from Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz gives a concise overview of the main responsibilities of parents towards their children and also addresses many of the unique challenges and concerns faced by parents today, both in the the traditional Islamic world and especially in the West. Subjects covered include:

Rearing children from a Divine perspective
Factors which influence the rearing of children
Marriage and the role of each spouse
The concern towards raising children at each stage, from before marriage, marriage, during pregnancy, at birth, in infancy, childhood, and beyond
Cooperation of spouses in the process of raising children
Examples of ideal homes in the Prophet ﷺ and his family رضي الله عنهم
And much more.

This text is intentionally brief, providing a short but thorough introduction towards this profoundly important issue. Thus, while it will not take long to read, putting the advice in this book into practice will be the work of generations, encompassing many different aspects of family and community life.

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