​The Memoirs Of Abdullah C.D. (Part One)

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The Memoirs Of Abdullah C.D. (Part One)

Author: Abdullah C D

Publisher: SIRD

ISBN: 9789833782642

Pages: 207

Year: 2009


Price: RM35

"Our nation's Independence on 31 August 1957 cannot be alienated from the contributions of various forces and groups who had been involved in the anti-colonial struggle since World War II. But there are historians who have argued that the spirit of Malay anti-colonialism before World War II was weak, akin to setting fire to damp wood. They maintain that this spirit only came alive after the Japanese Occupation during World War II. By my own observations and involvement, this view needs to be reconsidered. Although the rise of nationalism only became evident after the war, its seeds had been sown long before.

I hope my memoir will contribute a little to the efforts of rewriting the history of our land. I hope it will complement the historical gaps yet to be filled. At the very least, it will help students and researchers to think from a different perspective. With this, I hope they will be able to make a more balanced assessment about the anti-colonial fighters who were leftists…"

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