The Mysteries Of Almsgiving

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The Mysteries Of Almsgiving

Author: Al-Ghazzali

Translator: Nabih Amin Faris

Publisher: Dar Al Wahi Publication

ISBN: 9789671153970
Price: RM16

Weight: 0.5 kg

Imam Abů Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali (450-505 /1058-1111) is justly described as "Hujjatul Islam". He was born in the Iranian town of Tus, studied Islamic law and theology at the Seljuq College in Nishapur, and became a distinguished professor at the famous Nizamiyya University in Baghdad.

Desy his glittering success, he was inwardly dissatisfied, so he abandoned his career for the life of hardship, abstinence and devotion to worship. During ten years of wandering, he experienced a spiritual transformation, in which the Truth came to him at last, as something received rather than acquired.

Blessed with an inner certainty, he then applieci outstanding faculties and vast learning to the tasks of revitalizing the whole Islamic tradition. Through his direct personal contacts, and through his many writings he showed how every element in that tradition could and should be turned to its true purpose.

This is the translation of Book V of the first quarter of Al-Ghazzali's The Revival of the Religious Sciences, vis., Kitab Asrar al-Zakah (The Mysteries of Almsgiving).

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