The New Era In Today's China

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The New Era In Today's China

Author: Koh King Kee
Publisher: Gerakbudaya
ISBN: 9789670076072
Year: 2022
Price: RM30

China is often misunderstood and even stigmatised by the mainstream media and some Western scholars. The New Era in Today’s China explains what the country can bring to the world. The book comprehensively examines China in the new era and what it means for the future world, including its domestic politics, economy, society, and culture, as well as China’s global engagement, world image, and international communication. It covers key topics such as China-US relations, poverty reduction, common prosperity, Covid-19 pandemic control, China’s relations with ASEAN, and the Belt and Road Initiative. In contrast to West-centric, outside-in, and often biased opinions about China, this book takes an inside-out perspective and tells true stories about China’s latest developments under the administration of President Xi Jinping.

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