The Return Of The Islamic Gold Dinar
Author: Rais Umar Ibrahim Vadillo
Publisher: Madinah Press
ISBN: 1874216169
Pages: 164pp
Price: RM30
Gold is
coming back. Many independent thinkers from all over the world are calling for
it to come back and restore soundness to our currency and we ought to do that
simply by restoring to the people the freedom to choose. As the amount of paper
money in circulation has increased in the last decade until mountains high,
reaching figures that can hardly relate to earthly matters, side by side,
taxation, unemployment, poverty and crime have increased to the same degree. It
is the system of artificial paper-money in the hands of bankers and politicians
which has mainly contributed to our present economic miseries.
“The banking institutions are more dangerous to our freedom than the enemies’ armies… The creation of money has to be removed from the banks’ hands.” (Thomas Jefferson)
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