The Rise of Rome: From the Iron Age to the Punic Wars​

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The Rise of Rome: From the Iron Age to the Punic Wars

Author: Kathryn Lomas
Publisher: Profile Books
ISBN: 9781846684128
Weight: 0.37
Year: 2018
Price: RM90

A compelling work, which couples a sweeping narrative with a wealth of historical detail History Revealed

In the late Iron Age, Rome was a small collection of huts arranged over a few hills. By the third century BC, it had become a large and powerful city that had conquered the whole of Italy and was poised to establish an empire. But how did it accomplish this historic transformation?

Kathryn Lomas explores the development of Rome during this period, and the nature of its control over Italy, considering why and how the Romans achieved this spectacular dominance. For Rome was only one of a number of emerging centres of power during this period. From its complex forms of government, to its innovative connections with other states, Lomas shows what set Rome apart. Examining the city's dominance, and the key political, social and economic changes it engendered, The Rise of Rome brings this vibrant period to life and shows how it resonates into the present day.

'Lomas's clear narrative and up-to-date archaeological

knowledge is just the right combination to illuminate the

fascinating story of the emergence of Rome as a world power.' Christopher Smith, Professor of Ancient History at the University of St Andrews

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