​The Staff of Moses

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The Staff of Moses

Author: Badiuzzaman Said Nursi
Publisher: Hayrat Publishing
ISBN: 9786051934556,
Year: 2021
Price: RM 50

The Staff of Moses is a translation of the "Asayi Musa Mecmuasi" originally penned in Ottoman Turkish. The author compiled this book from amongst his various epistles of his corpus.

The Staff of Moses is comprised of three major parts:

The First part: The Fruit Epistle

The Second part: Hujjahtullah Al-Balighah (The Conclusive Proof)

The Third part: Five additional epistles: Sincerity (Ikhlas), Frugality (Iqtisad), Gratitude (Shukr), The Essence of the Essence (Khulasatul Khulasah) and The Supreme Sign (Al-Ayatul Kubra).

The reason why this book is named as "The Staff of Moses" is that just like the Prophet Musa defeated the magic of his opponents of his time, this book refutes and defeats the magic-like thoughts of misguidance (dalalah) and atheism with such strong proofs and in a powerful way that cannot be denied. It has also been succesful in dispersing the spiritual darkness and gloom stemming from faithlessness.

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