The Takeaway Message From Covid-19 Public Sector Perspective

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The Takeaway Message From Covid-19 Public Sector Perspective

Authors: Sun Lixuan, Adelina Asmawi
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674883263
Pages: 150
Year: 2024
Price: RM48

The book “The Takeaway Message From COVID-19: Public Sector Perspective” explores how the pandemic affected how governments work. It shows how important government institutions are in handling the challenges caused by the pandemic worldwide. The authors discuss creative solutions used by governments to protect public welfare, highlighting the need for resilience and adaptability in tough times.

This book not only looks at what we have learned from COVID-19 but also imagines a future where governments work together, adapt well, and focus on public well-being. It is recommended for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding how governments can better handle crises. The book is like a guide for creating stronger and more responsive government institutions after the pandemic.

Discover how transformative insights can empower individuals to build resilience and responsiveness in the face of global challenges. The book holds the key to unlocking these answers and turning knowledge into actionable strategies.

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