​The Virtues of al-Shām & Damascus (Paperback)

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The Virtues of al-Shām & Damascus (Paperback)

Author: Imām Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad al-Rubʿī al-Mālikī
Publisher: Imam Ghazali Publishing
ISBN: 9781966329893
Weight: gsm
Pages: 145pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM50

In the early hours of Sunday, December 8th, 2024 the liberation of Syria had arrived at our doorsteps. In honor of this historic moment for the Ummah, the IGP team worked around the clock to make this new translation of Imām Abū al-Ḥasan's collection of Hadith available overnight. By Allah's bounty, generosity, and grace, this work was translated, edited, and typeset on the day of the liberation of Damascus. May Allah bless the people of Sham, accept the sacrifices of their martyrs, and aid them in their next steps. 

Al-Shām, encompassing the modern regions of Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and neighboring areas, has long been revered as a land of immense spiritual and historical importance within the Islamic tradition. Drawing upon a wealth of prophetic narrations, The Virtues of al-Shām & Damascus offers a glimpse of this sacred region's relevance and continued significance. This work situates al-Shām within the broader framework of Muslim belief and the Prophetic inheritance, examining the role of al-Shām as a central locus of faith, resilience, and divine blessing.

This work, known in Arabic as Fada'il al-Shām wa-Dimashq, is a comprehensive collection of more than 100 narrations that highlight the unique virtues of al-Shām, including its designation as a land of divine mercy, a refuge of the righteous, and a site of eschatological significance, as well as a land cherished by Messenger of Allah ﷺ, graced by angels, and preserved by the piety of its inhabitants.

Many of the hadith discuss the historical dimensions and significance of this region, contextualizing its sanctity within the Quranic and prophetic corpus. It includes key narrations emphasizing the region's prominence in Islamic eschatology, as well as its pivotal role as a bastion of faith amidst tribulation. The Virtues of al-Shām & Damascus helps the reader to understand why this land has captivated the hearts of believers across centuries, and continues to do so today.

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