The Wit & Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew

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The Wit & Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew

Author:  Kuan Yew Lee & Lindsay Davis
Publisher: Edition Didier Millet Sdn. Bhd.
ISBN: 9789814385282
Weight: 0.3 kg
Pages: 165
Year: 2013
Price: RM52

Lee Kuan Yew played the pivotal role in Singapore's transition from British Crown Colony to independent developing nation, and on to the economically powerful and diplomatically influential city-state it is today. Throughout this surprising and at times painful journey, he has proved a charismatic and occasionally controversial leader.

 Lee is a conviction politician whose speeches are unambiguous, characterful and eminently quotable; this collection of almost 600 short quotations provides a compelling summary of his views on a wide range of topics from Singapore's past, present and future. In Lee's own words: "I have been accused of many things in my lfe, but not even my worst enemy has ever accused me of being afraid to speak my mind."

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