The World In Conflict: Understanding The World's Troublespots

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The World In Conflict: Understanding The World's Troublespots

Author: John Andrews
Publisher: The Economist
ISBN: 9781800810785
Weight: 0.258 kg
Pages: 308pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM84

The complete guide to the causes and current status of global hostilities

Revised and updated fourth edition

The world today rests on increasingly unstable fault lines. From the conflict in Ukraine or fresh upheavals in the Middle East to the threats posed to humanity by a global pandemic, climate change and natural disasters, the world's danger zones once again draw their battle lines across our hyperconnected, yet fragmented, globe.

Join veteran Economist journalist John Andrews as he analyses the old enmities and looming collisions that underlie conflict in the twenty-first century. Region by region, discover the causes, contexts, participants and likely outcomes of every globally significant struggle now underway. From drug cartels to cyber war, this is the indispensable guide for anyone who wants to understand our perilous world.

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