​The World Philosophy Made: From Plato to the Digital Age

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The World Philosophy Made: From Plato to the Digital Age

Author: Scott Soames
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 9780691229188
Weight: 0.500 kg
Pages: 439pp
Year: 2019
Price: RM109

Philosophical investigation is the root of all human knowledge. Developing new concepts, reinterpreting old truths, and reconceptualizing fundamental questions, philosophy has progressed―and driven human progress―for more than two millennia. In short, we live in a world of philosophy made. In this concise history of philosophy's world-shaping impact, Scott Soames demonstrates that the modern world―including its science, technology, and politics―simply would not be possible without the accomplishments of philosophy.

Firmly rebutting the misconception of philosophy as ivory-tower thinking, Soames traces its essential contributions to fields as diverse as law and logic, psychology and economics, relativity, and rational decision theory. Beginning with the giants of ancient Greek philosophy, The World Philosophy Made chronicles the achievements of the great thinkers, from the medieval and early modern eras to the present. It explores how philosophy has shaped our language, science, mathematics, religion, culture, morality, education, and politics, as well as our understanding of ourselves.

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