​Tin In Applications: Meeting The 'Green' Challenge

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Tin In Applications: Meeting The 'Green' Challenge

Author/Editor: V.G. KUMAR DAS

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831007839

Weight: 300

Pages: 220

Year: 2015

Price: RM40

The book addresses a long-felt need among researchers in the tin materials field to source under the one cover the advances in many cross-sectoral tin application areas and newer interdisciplinary frontiers revealing the astonishing versatility of tin.

This book covers the horizon of recent research undertaken in the broad application areas of tinplate, tin solders, other tin alloys and intermetallics, inorganic tin chemicals and organotin chemicals, with a focus on ‘green’ synthetic processes, new emerging technologies arising from advances in nano-solid-state science (catalysis, chemical sensing, photovoltaics and energy storage), and biological tin chemistry aspects (chemotherapeutic and agricultural applications), while authoritatively laying bare the myths and facts of organotin toxicity that should interest a wide spectrum of readers.

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