​Total Quality Management And The Institutional Work Culture In Indonesian Higher Education

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Total Quality Management And The Institutional Work Culture In Indonesian Higher Education

Author/Editor: Ahmad Suriansyah

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831009017

Weight: 300


Year: 2019

Price: RM54

The quality of education is a concept that is critical in the realm of knowledge development for in-depth analysis using various design and research methodologies. From an organizational perspective, education quality is focused on aspects in education development such as quality learning, curriculum and its implementation, quality of teachers’ education and services, infrastructure and facilities, student achievement and performance through evaluations and examinations. All these elements combine to form the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM).

This book is an attempt to analyse holistically the use of quality teacher education programme from the perspective of TQM concept. It is a strategic tool adopted to highlight the key issues that have often been discussed by researchers, evaluators and planners of higher education institutions, particularly in Indonesia

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