Towards a True Spiritual Connection: Wisdom from the Teachings of Habib 'Umar

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Towards a True Spiritual Connection: Wisdom from the Teachings of Habib 'Umar

Author: Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Ali al-Aydarus
Translator: Abdullah Salih
ISBN: 9781952306679
Category: Spirituality, Islam
Publisher: Imam Ghazali Publishing 
Binding: Paperback
Colour: Black & White
Pages: 95pp
Price: RM40

This text is a concise discussion of matters affecting the relationship between a student and a spiritual teacher. Adapted from the teachings of Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz, it covers both conceptual and practical knowledge necessary to benefit from such a relationship, with extended discussion of both outward and inward etiquettes of the student towards the teacher. 

The author writes in his introduction:

"I hope [this text] would enable us to recognise the right of being in the company of those whose condition inspires us and whose words guide us towards Allah ﷻ so that we too could hold on to divine attributes, be imbued with prophetic characteristics, and imbibe the qualities of the true servants."

Excerpts from the Qur'an are interspersed throughout the text, with extended commentary on those verses most relevant to the relationship between teachers and students. The text also includes an overview of the history of spiritual teachers from the time of the Prophet ﷺ down to the present day, the role of such relationships in da'wah, the responsibilities and potential pitfalls of establishing such a connection, and other related issues.

About Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz

Habib 'Umar bin Hafiz is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, tracing his lineage back through a well-known family in the Hadhramaut region of Yemen, where his ancestors have been influential scholars and spiritual guides for centuries. He was born in 1963 in Tarim, a historic center of Islamic learning, and faced persecution during the communist regime in South Yemen, but continued his religious studies in secret. After the regime fell, he founded Dar al-Mustafa in 1993, which has since become a major center for Islamic scholarship, attracting students from all over the world. Habib ‘Umar is recognized for his deep spiritual insight and dedication to spreading Islam’s message through teaching, outreach, and community service. His influence extends globally through his lectures, writings, and extensive travel, promoting the values of mercy, humility, and unity.

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