Traditional Anthropological Performance Healing In Malaysia

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Traditional Anthropological Performance Healing In Malaysia

Author: Mohamed Ghouse Nasuruddin
Publisher: UPM Press
ISBN: 9789673449132
Weight: 0.729 kg
Pages: 151
Year: 2018
Price: RM120

Traditional healing rituals are now fast disappearing in the face of modern medicine. Remnants of such healing techniques can however be found in the rural societies of Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak, patronized mainly by the older generations who still believe in the animistic spiritual world. These traditional healing rituals will eventually fade into oblivion as they will become irrelevant in the modern digital robotic age where medical advances can purportedly address every conceivable form of illness through invasive and non-invasive interventions. This book on Traditional Anthropological Performance Healing in Malaysia is an effort to document and preserve the memories of traditional healing as cultural and spiritual expressions of the various tribal and ethnic communities. A unique aspect of such therapeutic medicine is that it not only cures but also entertains as it incorporates performance elements of music, chanting, dance and drama in the healing process

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