Understanding Attachment Patterns Of Our Children

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Understanding Attachment Patterns Of Our Children 

Author: Noriah Mohd Ishak, Nadiah Hamdan & Rorlinda Yusof
Publisher: UKM Press 
ISBN: 9789672510475
Pages: 162
Year: 2020
Price: RM30

This book is published in an attempt to help parents, teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and individuals in the helping profession to understand how relationships are built during the life span of individuals, especially with significant others. It provides information on fundamental aspects of relationship building and the challenges faced in creating healthy relational experiences. It carries the voices of young Malaysian students and their struggles in developing relationships with their parents and peers while studying abroad. This book explains in detail the attachment and adjustment issues faced by the students and how these issues impacted their struggles of making meaningful learning experiences abroad. The attachment theory developed by John Bowlby becomes the tenets of understanding the students ' relational issues. This book explains the attachment patterns displayed by the students including the development of trust, effective communication, and feelings of alienation faced by students. In addition, the shift of attachment from parents to peers and life partners which is vital is also covered. It explains at length, particularly the measurement used to determine the level of parental and peer attachment experienced by the students, which can also be utilized by others in the helping profession.

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