Unsung Heroes In Tamil School Education

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Unsung Heroes In Tamil School Education

Author/Editor: Vishalache Balakrishnan

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831006221

Weight: 150

Pages: 76

Year: 2013

Price: RM24

Education is a lifelong process. Educators who make a difference and touch the lives of students during their educative years naturally become their heroes. However, many of these heroes live a very moderate life, giving their best and hoping the best for their students. In this book, several past educators are acknowledged for their unique contribution to the field of education. They are educators who are passionate about their vocation, educating the young in mind, heart and body. They sacrificed their time and other material aspects for the goodness and the development of their students. They prepared students for real life and taught them lifelong lessons. They were great role models and source of inspiration for their students. They used all kinds of methods to inspire and excite their students. All their experiences are shared in this book which is linked with current day education philosophies, teaching methods and educational psychology. This book is written to appreciate educators of the golden era and inspire educators of the current era.

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