Voicing the Heterogeneity: Inventing the Literary Tradition of South Indian Muslim Women Writers

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Voicing the Heterogeneity: Inventing the Literary Tradition of South Indian Muslim Women Writers

Authors : Ayshath Shamah Rahmath et.al
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9786294861008
Weight: 0.4
Pages: 266 pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM40

This book is a tribute to the unsung literary saga of South Indian Muslim women writers, whose voices are often neglected in mainstream literary and social discourses. The prolonged struggles and phenomenal contributions of these writers to the literary and social scenario are worthy of careful consideration and appreciation. These narratives have indeed provided a rich source of inquiry, particularly those related to Muslim women's identity. Mapping the possible literary tradition of Muslim women writers, this book explicates the position and reception of women in South Indian Muslim communities throughout the centuries.

The book also challenges the popular stereotypes of Muslim women in mainstream literary circles as being backward/distressed beings. Such monolithic depictions of Muslim women's identity are often vested in negative perspectives on Islam and Muslim women. This book asserts that the identity of Muslim women is heterogeneous and constantly evolving according to changing perceptions in social, religious, and cultural discourses.

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