Waqf Land Development: A Social Enterprise Business Perspective
Author: Norinah Mohd Ali, Abdul Rahim Ahmad
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9789672519300
Weight: kg
Pages: 135 m/s
Year: 2022
Price: RM35
Waqf land development needs a social enterprise business perspective in order to generate income to sustain the waqf and to fulfil the needs of the beneficiaries and society. In view of this issue, this book discussed the current waqf land development practices employed by the State Islamic Religious Councils (Councils); the organizational strengths and weaknesses of the Councils in developing waqf lands; perceived factors of the current waqf land development that contribute to the Councils' success as social enterprises; and the social impact of waqf land development to the communities. This book also discussed the social enterprise business model for waqf activity, and its target population. The main contribution of this book is that, it provides new and relevant business perspectives on future waqf land development beneficial to the Councils and other waqf institutions.
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