​Weather And Climate Of Malaysia

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Weather And Climate Of Malaysia

Author/Editor: Lim Joo Tick & Azizan Abu Samah

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9831001761

Weight: 300

Pages: 170

Year: 2004

Price: RM25

This book represents the effort of the authors in responding to the call for more reference materials in technical fields in the country. The authors endeavour to synthesize the major works by local and foreign scientists, which contribute to the overall understanding of the subject concerning weather and climate of Malaysia, and wherever necessary, to provide fresh explanation and interpretation to the weather and climate features in the light of development of the science. The book follows a largely qualitative apporach which hopefully would cater for a wide spectrum of users rather than merely confine to the interest of a restricted group of reseachers and meteorologist. Its contents are suitable for teaching at undergraduate level and provide as well a useful source of information for professionals working fields covering meteorology, climatology, hydrology, agriculture and enviromental scince.

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