Who Is The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
Authors: Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Translation: Abdullah Salih
Publisher: Imam Ghazali Publishing
ISBN: 9781952306730
Weight: gsm
Pages: 112
Price: RM40
Who is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ? is primarily a didactic text in question & answer format. The book consists of 6 groups of questions & answers, progressing from relatively simple questions and short answers in the first group, to more complex issues with longer, more detailed explanations by the end. Each question & answer pair is given first in Arabic, as formulated by Habib 'Umar, or by his students under his supervision.
Then, the translation of each Q & A is given. While perhaps not common in adult literature, the Q&A format is a time-honored teaching technique, and readers of all ages and levels will find surprising benefits in this unique text. The entire book has been beautifully arranged and presented by IGI’s world-class design team, to make reading an enjoyable and visually appealing reading experience for the whole family.
The author, Habib Umar bin Hafiz, is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and is one of the great luminaries of our time. This book has been made available to English speakers for whom we ask Allah to make it a means to attain proximity, in this life and the Hereafter, to Him and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
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