Working with Nature: Saving and Using the World’s Wild Places

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Working with Nature: Saving and Using the World’s Wild Places

Author: Jeremy Purseglove
Publisher: Profile Books
ISBN:  9781788161596
Weight: 0.443
Pages: 271pp
Year: 2019
Price: RM96.00

From cocoa farming in Ghana to the orchards of Kent and the desert badlands of Pakistan, taking a practical approach to sustaining the landscape can mean the difference between prosperity and ruin. Working with Nature is the story of a lifetime of work, often in extreme environments, to harvest nature and protect it - in effect, gardening on a global scale. It is also a memoir of encounters with larger-than-life characters such as William Bunting, the gun-toting saviour of Yorkshire's peatlands and the aristocratic gardener Vita Sackville-West, examining their idiosyncratic approaches to conservation.

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